CLOTHED WITH POEM - Arabian night
CLOTHED WITH POEM - Arabian night
Here is another poem I have written, while inspired working with this fashion drawings and sketches. This poem was originally written in Norwegian. I have translated it as close to its originality as possible, but have tried to keep the emotion I would like to express.
Den nakne kroppen tar på seg klærne.
Som berører huden med sin stofflighet,
og åpner opp hjertet for drømmer og ideer.
Drømmer om en savanne.
Varme sanddyner så langt øyet kan se.
Blikket oppdager et avkjølende vann.
Vinden blåser.
Plaggene kroppen bærer flagrer i vinden.
Når kvelden kommer tenner vi bål,
og ser på stjernene .
Og det må være mange dusker på klærne,
som minner om de arabiske nettene
før bombene falt.
Jeg tegner en dromedar på singleten
jeg skal bære i morgen.
I håp om fred i verden igjen snart.
The naked body puts on his clothes.
Which touch the skin with its substance,
and opens up the heart to dreams and ideas.
Dreaming of a savanna.
Heated dunes as far as the eye can see.
Gaze detects a cooling water.
The wind blows.
The garments the body carries flapping in the wind.
When evening comes we light campfire,
and look at the stars.
And there must be many tassels on the clothes,
that reminds us of the Arabian nights
before the bombs fell.
I draw a dromedary on the singlet
I will wear tomorrow.
In hope for peace in the world again soon.